Services We Offer:
We specialize in small animal medicine and soft tissue surgery. We offer quality, affordable veterinary care in a caring and friendly environment.
EAC offers small animal soft tissue surgery and dental cleanings. IV catheters are placed in all surgery/dental patients and all surgery patients are given pain injections post operatively at no additional charge. All pets undergoing anesthesia are personally and electronically monitored during the procedure. Monitoring includes SpO2, respiratory rate, blood pressure and ECG. Pre anesthetic bloodwork is required for all patients 6 or older and is recommended for younger pets as well.

EAC is proud to offer the Merial Purevax line of vaccines to all of our feline patients. These vaccines are specialized cat vaccines, to minimize adverse events associated with vaccines. We also adhere to the AAFP vaccine guidelines which entail tailoring vaccines to the specific patient’s needs. This philosophy is followed for both our canine and feline patients, therefore minimizing the required vaccines.

Companion Therapy Laser®
We are pleased to announce the addition of the Companion Therapy Laser® to our practice! We are the first Veterinary practice in the region to use the Companion therapeutic laser. With the addition of the laser, pets will receive instant relief of pain, inflammation and swelling associated with soft tissue injuries, trauma, surgery and chronic everyday disorders. A relatively new branch of medicine, the Class IV laser delivers a large amount of light energy into the pet’s body. When it interacts with damaged cells, healing is accelerated and pain is virtually eliminated. As our best friends age, recover from trauma or surgery, or simply need relief from everyday aches and pains, this advanced technology offers: Drug-Free, Surgery-Free, Pain-Free Relief. We have already seen some amazing results! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or feel that this treatment may benefit your pet!

Digital Radiology:
EAC offers digital X-ray services in house. This includes bone, joint, and spinal radiographs as well as heart, chest, and abdominal views. In most cases, X-rays can be taken and interpreted while you wait. Digital radiology allows us to easily email x-rays to clients, other veterinarians and specialists if needed. We can also burn a copy of your x-ray to a disc for you to take with you.

Many of our laboratory procedures are performed in house which allows us to have information about your pet’s health as quick as possible. This includes blood work, urine evaluation, internal and external parasite screening, heartworm screening, skin diagnostics, ear diagnostics, as well as cytology of common masses. Samples for more involved diagnostic testing are submitted to our outside lab and results are generally available within 24 hour.

EAC offers ultrasound imaging as a non-invasive procedure to evaluate internal organs. Ultrasound can be used to examine your pet's abdominal organs and reproductive organs. Unlike radiographs, ultrasound allows our doctors to see the internal structure of the organs giving a more in-depth view of the abdomen. Ultrasound is well tolerated by most pets and frequently can be done without the use of sedation (this largely depends on the pet's temperament).

Behavior Counseling:
Behavior problems are one of the leading causes for pet euthanasia in the country. Proper socialization and training used early in life can prevent most of the behavior issues that pets face. We feel it is important to educate clients with puppies and kittens on the importance of proper socialization and training techniques starting at an early age. EAC has an array of literature and counseling to address these issues in pets both young and old.

Puppy and Kitten Wellness Exams:
The first months in a pet’s life are the most important in establishing proper care. When you visit us with your new kitten or puppy, we will provide you with education materials and information about all aspects of your new pet’s life. We also offer puppy and kitten vaccination packages at a discounted price!
Microchipping is a safe way to permanently identify your pet in the unfortunate case that your pet is lost. Microchipping involves placement of a small electronic chip the size and shape of a piece of rice just under the skin in the neck area. A needle is used to inject the chip. If your pet becomes lost and is taken to an animal shelter, the officials there will be able to scan your pet for the chip and contact you. We recommend that ALL pets be microchipped and wear a current ID tag. Microchipping is a quick procedure that can be done while you wait or when your pet is having surgery. We at EAC know the importance of registering a microchipped pet. That is why our microchips include registration allowing us to register your pet's chip the same day the chip is implanted.

We are excited to now offer stress free ECGs on pets using the wireless ECG from Alivecor. This is amazing, new technology and we are thrilled with the results. To learn more about this device visit http://www.alivecorvet.com